03 February 2016

First sitting

Reviewing the first sitting of a coder forge, one thing has become plainly clear, there are two completely different needs of the coder. One is the need for pointers to be given out and the other is the need to learn without constriction. The need to code. For those that were more proficient with programming it must have been painful, as I seem to have given more to the former rather than the latter.

I think there is the need for some direction thats given from a talk on the one hand, but that learning without constriction far out weighs this need. So I’m proposing 30 minutes of slide show lessons and then 1 hour, or more, of learning without constriction. Mentored coding.

It would be nice to have some incrementally difficult problems that could be solved during the hour or so of learning without constriction. The problems could be rudimentary such as use jquery to make a div background color flicker, right up to window api’s, frameworks modules & patterns.

So for next weeks format I’m proposing 1830 to 1900 talk, most probably about dealing with clients and targeting jobs, then from 1900 to 2000 we code. I’ll think up some problems to be solved during week. This would also make the forge much more monitor orientated, so help will be needed here as well ;)

Some of topics lightly touched on tonight were:

  • upwork.com
  • guru.com
  • gun.io
  • nodejs
  • meteorjs
  • unit testing
  • clean code
  • building freelance profile

Next week expect far less topics and more code, code, code!

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